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Monday > Friday: 5am > 5pm
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  • Activity report of 2018 is now out!

    The report of activity for the year 2018 from the University of Leuven is now online. You can consult this document on our page dedicated to our research. In this report, you will learn more about the follow-up of our mission in Argentina and Uruguay.

  • New publication in the review “Animals”

    The University of Leuven (KUL) has published a new scientific paper in the review “Animals”: Horse Transport to Three South American Horse Slaughterhouses: A Descriptive Study This article is available on our website

  • Respectful Life and Unica answer to NGOs

    The Respectful Life project, as well as Unica, the Argentinian association of the meat producers, answered last week by press relaeses to NGOs like Gaia (BE) en TSB (CH). The press release can be found here under. Respectful Life UNICA

  • Report 2016/2017 now online

    A first provisionnal report regarding the audits carried out in South America in 2016 and 2017 is now online. The full report, and a scientific paper written by the KUl university will follow soon.

  • General meeting of Respectful Life – 04/10

    The 2017 general meeting of Respectful Life will take place on the 04th of October. All the members to the project has been invited to attend the meeting.

  • Opzetten van een camerabewakingssysteem

    Vijf slachthuizen in Zuid-Amerika hebben vorig jaar deelgenomen aan een proefproject om bewakingscamera’s in slachthuizen te installeren. De videobeelden, die zijn opgenomen in stallen en ruimtes waar paarden worden gehanteerd, zijn op afstand en op willekeurige en onaangekondigde wijze bekeken door de universiteit van Leuven,...